GKG Farm Cebu Ph is the dynamic environmental arm of GKG Farm Corporation whose aim is to help protect the environment from destruction by planting more trees, develop agricultural lands using organic protocol and by buying the adjacent lands as much as the company could in order to protect it from  land developers who converts it into commercial spaces which creates permanent damage to the environment.

Aside from the  positive impact to the environment, this project also aims to provide financial security to the farmers of Carmen Cebu by providing them free shelter, free electricity in each homes, free, free water supply both for clean drinking water and domestic water for their daily use and free food during harvesting and monetary support thru their farm labor income. 

GKG Farm Cebu Ph does not only help the environment and the community but also it generates promising income to those who are involved in this project as well. 

This is a holistic approach where we maximize the natural resources without damaging the environment and enhance sustainability of what nature could give through agroforestry, silviculture and permaculture.

GKG FARM CORPORATION is a well established company since 2004. It was started by a retired Seafarer and his wife who is a Chemical Engineer in the Department of Agriculture. The company is now being continued by their children, the GKG Siblings. 

It started as a poutry farm which now grew into an integrated farm or diversified farm.

The Current Sub-Branches of GKG Farm Corporation are as follows: 

  • GKG Poultry Farm
  • GKG Dragon Fruit Farm
  • GKG Bee Farm
  • GKG Calamansi Farm
  • GKG Sheep Farm
  • GKG Goose Farm
  • GKG Guinea Fowl Farm
  • GKG Sheep Farm
  • GKG Goat Farm
  • GKG Free Range Chicken Farm
  • GKG Turkey Farm
  • GKG American Lemon Farm
  • GKG Durian Farm
  • GKG Rambutan Farm
  • GKG Lanzones Farm 
  • GKG Cacao Farm
  • GKG Vermicast Farm
  • GKG Banana Farm
  • GKG Native Pig Farm
  • GKG Duck Farm
  • GKG Mushroom Farm
  • GKG Ornamental Plants Farm
  • GKG Vanilla Farm
  • GKG Passion Fruit Farm
  • GKG Farm Nursery
  • GKG FarmView Resort 
  • GKG AgroForestry Project


Our mission is to help the farmers of Carmen Cebu to be financially secured, protect the environment from destruction and to provide sustainable source of income to the community and stakeholders through responsible farming projects.


GKG Farm Cebu Ph will be the leading producers of lucrative agricultural products and services in the Philippines and expand our presence internationally.