Charitable Activity


GKG Farm has been doing charitable acts for 2 DECADES now.

The long term charitable project that we provide to the family of farmers is that we provide FREE Home/Shelter, FREE Drinking Mineral Water Supply, FREE Domestic Water Supply, FREE Electricity and FREE Food during Farm Harvest.

To be able to help more farmers, we are encouraging our farm visitors to do some act of charity through monetary donations or in kind.

Any old clothing, old shoes, old school bags and old toys will surely brings joy to every farm children who are in need.

In the past, farm visitors were celebrating their special occasions with the farmers like birthdays, wedding anniversaries, big and small wins, which were treasured by the farmers in their hearts.

If you intend to send your donation, please email on [email protected]  or you can give it directly to the farmer who will entertain you in the farm.

The monetary amount or donated items will then be shared equally to the family of farmers who stays simply and lived  happily in the farm.


Charitable activity is a noble and compassionate way to make a positive impact in the world. It involves giving resources such as time, money, or expertise to help those in need, whether it be individuals, communities, or organizations. There are many different forms of charitable activity, from donating to a charity or volunteering at a local shelter, to organizing a fundraiser for a worthy cause or initiating a community service project.

One of the most important aspects of charitable activity is the sense of purpose and fulfillment it brings to individuals who participate. By giving back to their communities, people can feel a sense of connection and meaning, knowing that they are making a difference in the lives of others. In addition, charitable activity often helps individuals develop new skills and broaden their perspectives, as they interact with people from different backgrounds and engage in new and challenging experiences.

Another important aspect of charitable activity is its impact on society as a whole. Through charitable giving and volunteer work, individuals and organizations can address a wide range of social and environmental issues, from poverty and hunger to climate change and animal welfare. By working together towards common goals, communities can create positive change and improve the quality of life for everyone.

GKG Farm’s initiative to help those in need as a company by providing to the family of farmers their essential needs like free shelter, free drinking mineral water supply, free domestic water supply, free electricity and free food during farm harvest.

As a part of GKG Farm’s way to be able to support the family of farmers in their needs, the farm visitors of GKG Farm are invited to share their blessings to the farmers and to their children by any amount of cash or any kind of help like old clothing’s, old school shoes, old school bags which will be used in school by the farmer’s children.

In conclusion, charitable activity is an essential part of creating a better world for everyone. By giving back to our communities and supporting worthy causes, we can make a positive impact on the lives of others, as well as on our own. Whether through volunteering, donating, or organizing events and fundraisers, there are many ways that we can all get involved and make a difference. So let’s take action and do our part to create a more compassionate and just world.


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